Free Frosted Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - High-Angle Shot

Free Frosted Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - High-Angle Shot Object Mockups, Packaging Mockups, Pot & Tub Mockups Frosted Plastic Container With Raspberry Jam Mockup - High-Angle Shot Frosted Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - Eye-Level Shot Glossy Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - Eye-Level Shot Glossy Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - High-Angle Shot Frosted Plastic Container With Honey Mockup - High-Angle Shot Frosted Plastic Container With Honey Mockup - Eye-Level Shot Frosted Plastic Container With Nut Butter Mockup - High-Angle Shot Frosted Plastic Container With Nut Butter Mockup - Eye-Level Shot Glossy Plastic Container With Red Caviar Mockup - Eye-Level Shot.

Apply your amazing design to this photorealistic mockup of a plastic container with strawberry yogurt in a high-angle shot. Highly detailed and incredibly simple to use. You can easily change the lid color. Special layers and smart objects for your fantastic artwork are included. The filling isn’t editable.

Frosted Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - High-Angle Shot

File type: PSD Mockup,

Dimensions: 5000x5000px,

Size: 72.51 MB,

License: Standard License,

Category: Object Mockups, Apparel Mockups,

Free Frosted Plastic Container With Strawberry Yogurt Mockup - High-Angle Shot Pot & Tub Mockups, Apply your amazing design to this photorealistic mockup of a plastic container with strawberry yogurt in a high-angle shot. Highly detailed and incredibly simple to use. You can easily change the lid color. Special layers and smart objects for your fantastic artwork are included. The filling isn’t editable..


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